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Lama tak dibuka, jumlah nominal isi kotak amal ini bikin kamu melongo

Type 2 diabetes is defined by high blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and high levels of blood fats: these are frequent complications associated with Type 2 diabetes. In April 2016, the American Journal of Medicine reports on the results of a study using sesame and rice bran oils to lower hyperglycemia and improve blood fat readings in people who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Researchers at Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital in Japan found a blend of 20 percent sesame seed oil and 80 percent rice bran oil lowered hyperglycemia in Type 2 diabetics and also improved their cholesterol and blood fat readings. Over a period of eight weeks, diabetic participants using the oil blend as cooking oil had lowered fasting blood sugar levels as well as decreased blood sugar levels after meals. Low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol so-called "unhealthy" cholesterol (LDL) dropped while high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL), also known as "healthy" cholesterol, increased. In 2012 scientists at Fukuoka University reported on research linking sesame and rice bran oils with reduced blood pressure as well as improved cholesterol levels. Their paper was commented on at a meeting of the American Heart Association. According to their study, participants who cooked with sesame and rice bran oils lowered their hypertension almost as much as the participants who were using regular anti-hypertension medications. The participating members taking their blood pressure medication along with the two oils saw a drop in their reading twice as high as those who took only one of the treatments. The study group lowered their systolic (top number) blood pressure an average of 14 points and lowered their diastolic (bottom number) an average of 11 points. The people using the two oils decreased their LDL-cholesterol by 26 percent and raised their HDL-cholesterol an average of 9.5 percent. The March-April 2016 issue of Clinical Lipidology reported on the latest study from Fukuoka. The participants using... the two oils lowered their systolic blood pressure 12.8 percent and diastolic blood pressure 13.5 percent. total cholesterol decreased by 18.3 percent. LDL-cholesterol increased by 27.5 percent; HDL-cholesterol increased 11 percent. blood fats shrank by 12.6 percent. When the oils were used along with nifedipine, a blood pressure-lowering drug, improvement in blood pressure was even more impressive. When they were used in combination, systolic blood pressure dropped 23.8 percent, and diastolic blood pressure fell 23.6 percent. So cooking with the two oils appears helpful for people with Type 2 diabetics. Ask your physician or dietitian if the combination could be useful in your case. Here's to your health. Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets. Article Source:

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